Changes to Google PageSpeed Insights

One of the most commonly used (Free) tools for testing just how fast (or slow) your website loads is Google’s PageSpeed Insights. PageSpeed Insights (PSI) was designed to meet the needs of those who are less technical.

On the flip side, another of Google tools “Lighthouse” is available for developers and techies wanting to really delve into page speed and other related issues.

Up until now, the two tools used different analysis engines and often gave confusingly different results.

Now, PSI is powered by Lighthouse. This allows you to get the same performance audits and recommendations everywhere: on the web and in Chrome DevTools.

PageSpeed Insights also incorporates field data provided by the Chrome User Experience Report.


Our recommendation: Test your site out on the new improved PageSpeed Insights and gain valuable insights into how to further speed up your website.

Loading speed is critical to have great SEO and for converting your traffic into customers.

Visit Google’s new PageSpeed tool here.